The first Blinds and Curtains store in the Maldives.

“Where Privacy Meets Elegance: Our Curtains and Blinds, the Silent Guardians of Your Windows”

we are Pioneers

At the forefront of our industry, we champion innovation and set new standards of excellence. 

Choose the best

Interior blinds

Interior blinds provide your room with a sleek, contemporary look. Simultaneously, they offer one of the most practical solutions for controlling light, managing heat and cold, and ensuring privacy. Their space-efficient design is particularly advantageous in areas with limited space, such as busy kitchens or bathrooms.

Exterior blinds

Are you seeking ways to maximize your outdoor spaces? Whether you desire a sheltered spot for relaxation or entertainment, or you're eager to extend your living areas, outdoor blinds offer a simple solution to swiftly broaden your living space. Revel in the sensation of being outdoors while ensuring protection against the elements.


The latest advancements in motorized blind and shade technology offer you the flexibility to manage your window coverings using a single remote. The introduction of motorized operation presents a more convenient, secure, and contemporary approach to dressing your home's windows and doors. Upgrade your living space with the modern convenience of motorized window treatments.

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